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Our standard labor rate is $90/hr,

and based on Motor All Data Labor guide.

For customers supplying their own parts,

the labor rate is $120/hr 

We obtain approval before starting any work.​

Invoice must be paid in full before 

we will release the vehicle to the customer. 


PA State Inspection / Emiss​ions * - $80.00

Mount & Balance tire - $25.00 & up (depends on size)

Regular Lube, Oil, Filter - $49​.95 & up (depends on type & amount of fluid required)


Synthetic Lube, Oil, Filter - $89.95 & up (depends on type & amount of fluid required)


Air Condition recharge - $189.95 & up (depends on amount of freon needed)


Transmission service - $189.95 & up (depends on type & amount of fluid required)

Diagnostics ** - $90 & up (higher diagnostics for electrical issues)


 (Prices do not include a 7% sales tax)



* Inspection prices are for both passed and failed. Money for failed

inspection and/or emission are due the date we fail it.

If vehicle is returned within 30 days with all work completed, we will

re-inspect the vehicle and sticker  the vehicle at no charge

** Diagnostic fees will be waived if we are approved to do the work.  If work is denied, then diagnostic fee will be billed.

We accept cash, Visa, Mastercard,

Discover and American Express 



                     CONTACT US

Phone​:      412-277-5337

Fax:          412-279-0729

Address:   7909 Steubenville Pike

  Imperial, PA 15126




Monday - Friday

10am - 6pm


Auto Repair, Cars, Vehicles
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